It's been a long time since I last posted anything. Good thing I don't have any followers. No one missed it. I have to start being more consistant with my writing.
A couple thoughts on fishing.
Last summer the fishing was pretty weak. Low, warm water didn't help things. The snow pack so far this year is not looking that much better. Hope we get a lot dumped on us during the spring.
Did catch a couple nice twenty inch Rainbows in October. A lot of fun. Only thing is I took a friend down a few days later and couldn't buy a strike. Good thing I had photos to prove I caught big fish.
I would like to get out and get some winter fishing photos. I need to find a model and do it. Our snow may be below normal, but it's beautiful. Wonder who I can get to wade when the temp is around 14˙.
On to photography thoughts.
I recently was made aware of the portraits a mother in Russia shoots of her children. Fabulous images. So much soul in her work. I keep going back to look at her images. Check her out.
Last spring I got to teach photography to a fifth grade class. I had a ball teaching these young people, and was pleasantly surprised at the images they came up with. A few weeks ago, I started with a new class. Last years class was only nine students, this year it's twenty-two. Big difference.
I'm already getting excited about what they are producing. We spend about half and hour talking about some aspect of photography, then they get to shoot, using what we covered that day. They have already shown some interesting images. I can't wait to see what they com up with by the end of the class. The way an eleven year old see the world is refreshing.
Now to try to get more folk to follow my ramblings..........
Just because no one is commenting doesn't mean no one is reading :)